Lamanai e safari sul Rio Nuevo nel Belize
Un viaggio in auto di 45 minuti lungo l'autostrada nord, passando attraverso villaggi e pianure con molte specie di uccelli, ti porterà a Tower Hill, dove potrai salire su di un battello e dirigerti fino al Rio Nuevo.
Mentre attraversi i numerosi ruscelli e lagune, potrai avvistare uccelli come falchi, nibbi e falconi. Il fiume è costeggiato da alberi da legno duro, orchidee e bromelie. Potresti anche vedere eleganti uccelli trampolieri chiamati jacanas mentre camminano tra le ninfee, e sfuggenti coccodrilli che si crogiolano al sole del mattino.
All'ingresso del Rio Nuevo, le rovine Maya di Lamanai (termine Maya che significa \u001Ccoccodrillo sommerso\u001D) compaiono nel campo visivo. Una volta giunto sul posto, visita il piccolo museo che include molte reliquie antiche trovate a Lamanai.
Ti avventurerai in un'escursione di 2,5 km nella giungla per visitare il Tempio della Maschera, una delle piramidi Maya più alte, la maschera di stucco del Dio Sole "Kinich Ahau", un'elaborata stele incisa e il Tempio delle Maschere del Giaguaro. Questi siti imponenti sembrano materializzarsi nella foresta pluviale in mezzo al brusio degli uccelli e ai richiami insistenti delle scimmie urlatrici.
La guida ti indicherà il copale e il brosimum alicastrum, di grande importanza nei tempi antichi. Per la camminata nella giungla avrai bisogno di repellente per insetti e scarpe robuste.
Al termine del tour pranzerai sotto le palapas, case di paglia, vicine al bordo della laguna. Dopo pranzo, avrai del tempo libero per visitare ancora la foresta pluviale.
- Pranzo
- Servizio di ristoro
- Tariffe di ingresso
- Servizio di prelievo da e verso alcuni hotel di Belize City
- Tasse locali
- Mance (facoltative)
- Supplemento carburante per gli hotel situati a nord di San Pedro.
- Si riceverà la conferma al momento della prenotazione
- Le tariffe si applicano 0-2 anni che non occupano un posto a sedere
- Prelievo presso il porto crocieristico e ritorno non disponibile
- È richiesto un numero minimo di partecipanti. Se non viene raggiunto il numero di partecipanti necessario per soddisfare i requisiti, il tour potrebbe essere cancellato dopo la conferma. In questo caso, ti verrà proposta un'opzione alternativa o il rimborso completo
This tour was amazing!
This tour was amazing!
Traveling as a group of four and staying in Belize City, we were excited to tour the Mayan ruins at Lamanai. We booked our tour online with Viator before traveling to Belize. The trip was very well organized. Our particular tour operator was Discovery Expeditions and our tour guide/driver to the New River was Vel. Two others in our group booked their trip while in Belize through another company. So it seems to be random which tour operator you are assigned. Vel picked us up in a van at our hotel and drove us to the New River about an hour and a half ride where we joined several other groups and different tour operators on the boat to Lamanai. The boat was very crowded with the various guides and different groups. The boat operator was outstanding. He stopped to point out crocs and birds during the 1 1/2 hour ride to Lamanai. Once at the ruins, our group was led by Vel who gave us an informative and well guided tour of the ruins. His presentation was fun and he was very knowledgeable. We hiked to four or five different temples and ruins and were allowed to climb them if we wished. I opted to climb several of the temples that had regularly built staircases. But I truly appreciated the beauty of the sites and the wonderful explanation that Vel gave about each of them. After we had toured the sites, the boat operator set out a traditional Belizean lunch for all who had been on the boat. The food was delicious and abundant. It was a nice surprise to get such a great lunch -- it exceeded our expectations. The boat ride back was shorter -- 45 minutes. And then Vel drove us back to our hotel in Belize City. We really enjoyed our trip. It would have been 5 star except I think the boat was a little overcrowded which made it tight to sit for a long period of time and after lunch, we were only given about 15 minutes to tour the gift shops and the museum and use the facilities. It seemed somewhat rushed at the end of the day. I would definitely recommend the trip to those wishing to see Mayan ruins.
What a great experience! Make sure to take your camera. You'll want to record the wildlife and the history. A beautiful country with wonderful people. We had the time of our lives.
The trip was great! The river ride was a lot of fun, and Lamanai was amazing. The guide, Vel, was ery enthusiastic, and a lot of fun. The only thing that could have been better is he could have told us more about the Mayans and what we were seeing instead of getting off on crazy tangents that didn't make much sense. All in all, a great trip, and I highly recommend it.
Vel - our tour guide, was friendly and very informative with the history. Great tour.