Gita di un giorno intero alle rive est e ovest di Luxor
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Gita di un giorno intero alle rive est e ovest di Luxor
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Gita di un giorno intero alle rive est e ovest di Luxor

1 day
Giornata intera
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Da sapere su questa attività
Alle 7:00 sarai prelevato dal tuo hotel o crociera sul Nilo a Luxor, dalla tua guida autorizzata del tour per essere accompagnato con un veicolo privato, dotato di aria condizionata verso la riva ovest, dove visiterai la Valle dei Re nella quale sono sepolti molti re, tra i quali: re Tutmosis I, Tutmosis III, Tutankhamon, re Ramssess VI, re Mrenptah e AmonhotepII. A questo seguirà, una visita al tempio della Regina Hatshepsut, l'unica donna faraone che regnò nell'antico Egitto. Poi continuerai la tua giornata visitando i Colossi di Memnone, che sono i resti del tempio mortuario di Amenhotep III.
Il pranzo è incluso presso un ristorante locale sulla riva est (le bevande sono escluse) e avrà una durata di un'ora, prima di passare a visitare tempio di Karnak. Questo è il miglior esempio di culto nella storia di Luxor. Il tuo tour terminerà con la visita del Tempio di Luxor, costruito da due faraoni in dinastie diverse. Più tardi sarai riaccompagnato al tuo hotel o alla crociera sul Nilo a Luxor oppure trasferito all'aeroporto di Luxor.
Scopri di più Mostra di meno
  • Acqua in bottiglia
  • Pranzo
  • Guida egittologa qualificata
  • Ritiro e consegna dell'hotel
  • Snack (Pepsi, patatine, torta)
  • Ingresso - Luxor Temple
  • Ingresso - Temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el Bahari
  • Ingresso - Valley of the Kings
  • Ingresso - Temple of Karnak
  • Ingresso - Tomb of Ramses VI
  • Ingresso - Tomb of Merenptah
Non incluso
  • Biglietti d'ingresso per la Tomba del Re Tut presso la Valle dei Re
  • Bevande
  • Mance
  • Riceverai una conferma al momento della prenotazione
  • I bambini devono essere accompagnati da un adulto
5 | 2019-07-03

We loved Luxor. Luxor is clean and laid back. Our tour guide was great. The driver and the tour guide picked us up at the airport earlier than the set tour time. We arrived early with our flight from Cairo. Our tour guide was knowledgeable, friendly, and accommodating. We had a comfortable ride too. It was amazing to see this part of Egypt, the Ramseys tombs with the original stone wall carvings and colors, and the temples. Our lunch was tasty and a good size portion.

5 | 2018-04-24

That was a great experience to explore ancient Egypt with Shrehan Yousef Alhagagi. Thanks to her for her patience!

Paula M
5 | 2017-12-25

An excellent tour which allowed me to see key sights such as the Valley of the Kings, Hatshepsut memorial temple, Karnak temple and Luxor temple in one day. Ismail was a superb guide: gave me a great introduction to ancient Egypt, answered all my questions and took photos for me much appreciated as I was travelling on my own. I didn't feel at all rushed and also had time to wander around by myself after his explanations. Actually seeing the Valley of the Kings and the tombs was a highlight - made all those years of reading about it come to life! My husband was unexpectedly able to join us in the afternoon and I really appreciated the flexibility Ismail and the company showed so that we could alter the itinerary and pick him up. However, this was also an excellent option for solo travellers - safe, reliable, and pick ups, meals etc were all as planned. The professionalism and knowledge of my guide were outstanding and this was a great way to see Luxor.

Mayumi K
5 | 2017-07-03

We joined one day private tour managed by Emo tours, with great guide named Mrs Nermeen. Thats really great memory and good time. She is really friendly, kindness, and great fluently English. Also great knowledge and experience as guide. its really easy understand to know about each tourist places. we are completely happy to spend day, and great delicious lunch with her. Regarding of temperature, its quite crazy hot, but she always take care for us. we appreciate to her in the tour.

Sabyasachi D
5 | 2016-04-22

Its a wonderful experience.

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  • Informazioni e consigli
  • Collezioni
  • Tour e Attività


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